Personal Portfolio Images
Personal Portfolio Images

Pumin Wongsiri

Frontend Developer
  • PHONE+66 89 811 5155
  • BIRTHDAY27 June 1997
  • LOCATIONBangkok, Thailand
Personal Portfolio Images
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About Me

I am a Frontend Developer who loves Javascript and Cascading Style Sheets. I have work experience in this field more than 2 years. Moreover, I am concerned about adherence to web standards and best practices - Software development methodologies, e.g. agile.

  • Frontend Developer
  • Mobile Developer
  • 24/7 Support
What I am Doing
Frontend Developer

Handle with frontend development technologies such as ReactJS, Angular, and Cascading Style Sheets.

Crypto Mania

Passionate about investing in new technologies such as Defi and NFT. Moreover, I am concerned about money management and risk.

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